SO, I found these great lil panties the other day .. wore a pair and was like.. POW .. i need to do a pic.. then one lead to another .. and then two more... I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them :)
In life we get down .. things happen that hurt our hearts , head and souls. We tend to just let it all stay there in us.. living for free. Well don't you think it's just time to let it go ? I do.. I choose to !
I'd like to introduce Zoey one of SL's sexiest secrets. Not only is she sexy ... man o man... she is very talented.. she is a photographer and pose maker.
When you put two beautiful blondes in the same room you are bound to end up with more than nails and hair being done. * winks* Here are a few shots of when Rosa came to visit me.
Is it better to have loved and lost ... than to have never loved at all ? That is the age old question every asks themselves after a love has ended. I recently was lucky enough to meet and date a wonderful man. It was so great.. he treated me like no other.. I was in heaven but.. yep you knew there had to be a but.... I messed that up . Made a foolish decision that shattered our love and ended a wonderful thing.... I will always have a special love and place in my heart for him. Thank you Devon.